Sunday 17 August 2014

That is all for the movie of Star Wars a New Hope episode 4 for the momnet. I hope I have covered most of what was in the movie. If I get time I do some more 3D vehicles.
I will continue with the Empire Strikes back next. Thanks for checking out my blog and if there is anything you want to know or see here that I missed out let me know with a comment.

I will be watching the skies for any replies. So long and my the force be with you (if you believe).
Victory Hall

The hall where the heros were rewarded medals for destroying the Death Star.

Yavin briefing room

Yavin Briefing room

Briefing room were pilots were briefed before the attack on the Death Star. The tactical battle plans carried by R2 D2 led to a weakness in the death star which the Rebel pilots could explot.

Yavin War room

The war room displayed how close the Death Star was to Yavin. When the Death Star was in range of the moon Yavin it could fire its superlaser to destroy the Rebel base.

Behind the centre display were the flight display charts mapping the flight routes of the pilots spaceships and any incoming enemy fighters. Behind them are the communication crew keeping track on the pilots.

Yavin Temple

Yavin Temple
Yavin starship Hanger

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Yavin 4 Forset

 Same forested covered by mist.
Can see part of the gas giant of Yavin in the sky.
Yavin 4

These sentry posts are used to spot unkonwn ships entering Yavin 4. Yavin 4 is on one of Yavins moons that orbit Yavin a red gas giant. The rebels device is to check flight speed and projectery.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Death Star Chasm

 Corridor leading to the chasm.
Chasm bridge.