Thursday 28 February 2013

Imperial officer
Lead a group of Death star troopers to the hanger were the falcon had been tractor beamed into. Ordered the stormtroopers to "man their stations".
Imperial officer that told Grand Moff Tarkin that they had searched Dantooine.
He reported they found now signs of a hidden rebel base but were searching the surrounding systems.
Death Star troopers escorting princess leia followed by Darth Vader.

Imperial trooper guards are elite soldiers trained in combat techniques and weapons skills.
Stormtroopers by Death Star Hanger.
These stromtroopers have special backpacs different to the others.
Unsure if these are special spacesuit stormtroopers or looking through a window monitoring landing spacecraft.
Leaving docking bay 94
Man in the street.

Mining droid.

Stormtroopers that were looking for the droids.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Seen before the canteen and in the streets near docking bay 94.
Renowned female psychic. Predictor of doom. Agent for governor Aryon of Tatoonie. Tailed Jabba and his thugs to Docking Bay 94 when they confronted Han Solo.
Street begger.
Dark blue robe
Walking by

Purple top and white sleeves.

 Walking by.

Ratltiir Freighter Captain.
After Ratltiir's fall to the Empire, many former members of its defense force became smugglers and scouts, hoping to liberate their planet.
A street woman.
A purple robed man.
These are the streets when the stormtroopers move to docking bay 94.
A hooded man.

Monday 4 February 2013

Saurin alien
Takeel in the streets.
Long-nosed male Kubaz from Kubindi. A spy who told about Obi-Wan and Luke outside docking bay 94. Works for Jabba the Hutt or the highest bidder. Not particulary brave.

Unkonwn alien
seen passing Garindan.
Red top woman
Also seen in the canteen drinking next to Greedo.

Yerka Mig in the streets. Also seen in canteen.

Mosep Binneed

Mosep Binneed
Jabba's Nibarnel accountant. Inside contacts allow him to disrupt the cash flow of the Hutt's enemies. He knows a mistake could make him the next write-off.