Thursday 28 March 2013

Elyhek Rue
Piloted Red 7 at the battle of Yavin. Part of the griffon flight wing, a Rebel squardron sent to fight the imperial subjugation of Raltiir.
A typical starfighter assistant, it contained ten coordinates for hyperspace jumps. R2-X2 carried built in tools and a computer interface. This droid was assigned to Red Ten during the battle of Yavin and was destroyed when Red Ten's x-wing was destroyed.
R5 red headed and black droid.

White and black R5 droid.
Firin Morett
Engineer responsible for preparing Red and Gold Squadron starships for batltle. Has final launch authority in the Yavin 4 docking bay.
Unkonwn rebel pilots

General Jan Dodonna
A brilliant mililary tactician, he specialized in logistics and sieges. As a military commander, he answered only to Mon Mothma and the Aliance council. Instructored rebel pilots on how to destroy the Death Star with a proton torpedo targeted at the ray shielded exhausted port.
Lieutenant Lepira
Piloted Gold 4 at the battle of Yavin. Learned to fly a starfighter by racing through the Anoat system.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Rebel unknown pilot
Rebel Guard
Rebel Technician
Commander Evram Lajaie

A popular alliance leader, he possessed expertise in space defense and orbital battle stations that enabled him to quickly analyze the plans for the first Death Star. After careful analysis, Evram Lajaie discovered a fatal flaw that made it possible for Luke Skywalker to destroy the battle station.
Commander Vanden Willard.
A leader of Rebel forces at the Massassi temple base on yavin 4. He served under General dodonna. He was formerly the Suolriep sector HQ commander. as a spy he aided Princess Leia Organa and her father, Viceroy Bail Organa, in the years prior to the Senate's dissolution.
Rebel Trooper in outpost tower
Rebel Technician transport driver
Light blue R2 unit on death star.
Rebel Trooper outside
Rebel trooper checking approaching ships.

Friday 22 March 2013

Imperial Lt. Prison block
Quick on the draw and using a rebel type blaster.
Prison block guard.
Corporal Prescott

Death Star trooper and detention block guard. Volunteered for prision detail. Takes sadistic pleasure in seeing imperial justice enforced.
Prison block

Lt. Shann Childsen
Demoted after a superior blamed him for a clerical error. Considered a bully by fellow officers. Fanatically supports the New Order doctrine of alien subjugation.
White officer.
Unkown ranked officer.
Green officer with black Cap
Unknown officer with rank badge.
Green officers

None of these green uniform officers have rank badges.
Officer Evax
This imperial Intelligence leader has a proven track record for predicting Rebel Fleet movements. His cordination of starship maneuvers has saved many vulnerable bases.

Friday 8 March 2013

MSE-6 Mouse droid
Nicknamed for rodent-like appearance. Delivers orders and sensitive documents that can not be transmitted other normal com channels. Retractable manipulator arms. Made by Rebaxan Colmuni. Easily frightened.
Imperial officer in the control room
Suprised by attack from Han and Chewiee and reacted, but not fast enough to draw his gun in time and was killed.
Tajis Durimin
A typical imperial trooper guard assigned to guard key areas of the Death Star. Guards the entrance to the conference room.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Lt. Pol Treidum
Gantry officer charged with maintaining magnetic field, atmosphere and security in Death Star docking bay. After Raltiir, paranoid about infiltration by Rebel spies.
A stormtrooper patroling the falcon on guard duty.
This stormtrooper has a utility belt different to the others. most stormtroopers have an amo belt with a detonator cylinder on the back. This has a com link and a grpple hook. This stormtrooper was called by the scanning to crew to help aid them. When soon they were ambushed by Han and Chewiee on board. Luke took this armour and belt after the battle.
Stormtroopers serching the falcon
This stormtrooper has a laser rifle the standard issue for a stormtrooper.
This stormtrooper has the longer blaster rifle.
Scanning Crew
These technicians were to scan the falcon after the stormtroopers did a visual search of the ship and found nothing. Scanning crew like BT-445 use sensitive equipment to search captured ships for shielded compartments.
Captain Khurgee
Docking bay security officer. Honoured for bravery aboard the star destroyer Thunderflare where he rescured five officers from the wreckage of a shuttle crash.
Death Star Technician
Many technicians maintain the Death Star so that all systems are working properly.
Death star gunner
Most gunners in the imperial Navy once aspired to be Tie pilots but lucked sufficient skills to fly starfighters. A few were assigned to the Death Star to man the main artilley.