Monday 30 September 2013

Yellow Jacket Man

Seen in the cantina near the entrance on the left if facing the bar.
Spaceman 3

This spaceman is seen in the cantina. No name as present found. Called spaceman 3 as not to get confused with Boshek or Danz Borin who were orginally called spaceman 1 and spaceman 2. The bottom picture shows the back of spaceman 3 as he passes by one of the cantina tables.

Friday 6 September 2013

Next I will show the Death Star locations and after that Yavin 4 locations and maybe some more of the cantina in 3D if I get time.
Landing Bay 94

Landing Bay number 94 is seen on the wall.

Outside of the landing bay.
Streets of Mos Eisley towards Landing Bay 94.

This is where C3-P0 and R2-D2 hid from the stormtroopers while searching the streets.

This is where the stormtroopers were told by a spy where the two droids had been taken.
Wiesla Used Speeders
This is where Luke sells his speeder. You can see a couple more speeders behind the arches but they are hard to see clearly.
Mos Eisley Cantina 3D design


Different angles of the Cantina. This pictures shows most of the people and aliens near the bar. I tried to be be acuate to the set and as much detail as I could but some things still need improvement but it gives a rough outline of what the cantina looked like.


Mystery Spaceship

This spaceship is seen above the cantina in Mos Eisley.

This spaceship is seen in the streets of Mos Eisley where Luke sells his speeder.

Mos Eisley Cantina

Mos Eisley Cantina.
 Cantina Entrance.
 Cantina Bar.
Cantina seating area.