Monday 31 December 2012

There are just two more aliens I can not find yet in the cantina. There are some new aliens in the cantina during the star wars holiday special.
Unkown humanoids in cantina.
Looks like teenage age who is at end of bar.
This man is seen at the end of the bar on the left.
A snivvian bounty hunter, like most of his species he is a tortured artist driven to live outthe stories he creates. One of his stories led him to an out-of-the-way cantina in Mos Eisley on the little visited planet of Tatooine. During his stay he picked up the name snaggletooth because of his pronounced canine fangs. He was on a retainer to Jabba the Hutt.

Swilla Corey
A human jerba tender and pickpocketer who lived on Tatooine. Born a slave, she was liberated by Karazak slavers while her master was visiting Tatooine.

Saturday 29 December 2012

The streets of Mos Eisely
Unknown droid.
I have finished most of the aliens seen in the cantina but I have found pictures of some that I could not see while watching the film. I will add this at a later date, but for now I will move on to the street characters as the move towards docking bay 94.

Mosep and Khaa

Unknown alien not Mosep because Mosep has red/ ginger hair and this has white hair. But maybe the same species.
Seen in the cantina. Khaa Twass has red hair and a bald head. Mosep has white hair and a streak of hair on top. Both are species called Nimbanel from the homeworld of Nimban.
Outside cantina Characters.
A white hooded person.
Just past Ben when he left cantina.
Outside Cantina droid.
This is a blackhead R2 astromech droid.
Outside Cantina. Garouf Lafoe.
This man reported the activities of Ben in the cantina to some stormtroopers outside the cantina. Afterwards the stormtroopers went inside the cantina to check.
A regenerating primitive, violent, desert dwelling, fearless, mercenary-loving. Lirin Car'n-befriendeding, cyclopian Abyssin from Byss. Calling him 'monoc' will start a fight.

Male Rodian bounty hunter. Sent by jabb to capture Han Solo. Arrogant, overconfident and not too bright. Trained by bounty hunter Nataz and Goa, who betrayed him to Thuku.
Squad Leader Stormtrooper Davin Felth
Despatched to Tatooine to apprehend renegade droids fleeing the Tantive IV. Suspected to have misgivings about imperial methods. Allegedy shot his commander in the back.
Het Nkik Jawa in cantina.
A Jawa scout, he wanted to avenge the deaths of his relatives who were killed in their snadcrawler by stormtroopers. Het Nkik had an opportunity to kill several troopers but realized too late that someone had stolen the powerpack from his blaster. He died by the very hands of the stormtroopers he had sort to kill.
Ranat theif and scavenger from Arlia. Regulary trades with Jawas. Adept at pilfering items without alerting the owner. Willing to steal anything even trash.
Merc Sunlet

A crafty purloiner from Tirac Munda with a heart of gold. Often hired to advise the wealthy on how to protect their own property. Well travelled and skilled in many languages.
Garouf Lafoe
A free-trader, he imports ice chunks from the rings of Ohann and Adraina in the Tatoo system. In his off hours, Garouf Lafoe spends much of his time at the cantina in Mos Eisley, spending his hard- earned credits.
Dr. Evazan
Thug, smuggler. Twisted doctor. Disfigured by a blaster. Has death sentance in over 12 systems. Notorious partner of Ponda Baba. Aliases, Dr. Corneluis and Roofoo.

Friday 28 December 2012

Baniss Keeg
Madak is seen talking with this Duros. Duros are famous spacers and starship engineers. Many are forced to work for the Empire. Some like Baniss Keeg, train pilots for deep space missions.
Unknown humanoid with drink.
Yerka Mig

An imperial bureaucrat with high security clearance who resigned and fled in remorse after the occupation of his home planet, Raltiur. Now a fugitive from the ISB.
Kitik Keed'kak
A female insectoid Yam'ni. Very stron and easily angered. Known for stealth, but also has good technological apttudde. Meat eater, loves eggs.
An asteroid prospector and part-time scout, the enigmatic Ketwol is often found in seedy spaceports trying to sell precious ores and metals. Ketwol is from a distant sytem in the Outer Rim Territories. An enemy of the Empire, Ketwol has secretly provided the Rebel Alliance with materials and information.
Dice Ibegon
Dice Ibegon is a female Florn Lamproid who believes in the Rebellion and is attuned to the Force.
Mamow Nadon
The recently exiled Momaw Nadon has a discussion in a back booth. This giant, gentle gardener peacefully resists the evil rule of the Galactic Empire and generally avoids conflict. However, since Mos Eisley is filled with wretched scum, he keeps a staff by his side in case things ever get rough. 
Ellorrs Madak
Like many Duros, Madak has natural piloting and navigation skill. Former scout. Freelance instructor. Makes runs to important trade worlds Celanon, Byblos and Yaga Minor.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Gruff, surly, no-blasters-allowed baretender. Hates droids. 'We don't serve their kind here.' Wants to concoct the perfect drink for Jabba the Hut so he can work as his personal bartender.
Danz Borin
Cocky gunner and bounty hunter. Maintains a residence on Nar Shaddaa, the spaceport moon of the Hut homeworld. To his companions delight, he is nearly as good as he boasts.

Tonnika Sisters
Twins. Thieves, con artists, spies, swindlers and double agents. Brea and Senni use their natual charm to sway the unwary on the fringe of society. Han paid them to play a trick on Lando.

Note: The picture below is not in the film but I put in to show more detail.
Moisture Farmer
Many native Tatoonie citizens shun larger settlements. From small communities in the desert. Thier
Vaporators harvest water from the stmosphere.


A veteran officer of the Old Republic, he retired from active duty after the Clone Wars and now makes a living in the Outer Rim territories passing on his scouting expertise.
Atheloe or Ownellco species Lutrillian, homeworld Lutrillia. Hard to tell which one as they are both dressed alike and ware republic officer jackets. Atheloe is slighter wider build then Ownellco. Seen in the streets.

A spice addicted, burnt out Snivvian mercenary, he is know as a double crosser. Takeel freequents the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine. He is always looking for work to earn extra credits and has been known to turn lawbreakers over to the Empire when he is really hard up. He is the brother of Zutton.
Debnoli near canteen entrance.
Good-natured patron of Mos-Eisley cantina, until the Empire impounded his starship. Expert marksman. Seeking revenge on the Empire.
Rycar Ryjerd
A Bimm trader and smuggler of starship weapons, he trusts no one but will do business with anyone. He Teaches smuggler apprentices and has mastered the language of the Jawa's, a very difficult task.
A space pilot that Ben asked if they could take them to Alderaan.

A Saurin droid trader.
Sai'torr Kal Fas

Saurin female from Durkteel. Bodyguard of Hrchek, a Saurin droid trader. Sai'torr will teach battle skills to those who prove themselves worthy.
Outside in the streets.
Nabrun Leids
Four-armed smuggler and pilot for hire. A Morseerian male. Breathes methane. Former fighter pilot. He can take you anywhere for the right price.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Band members. Tedn Dahai playes Fanfar.
Nalan Cheel. Plays Bandfill.

Male bith musician. Although he njoys playing the Bandfill, he misses the bubbling pink swamps of his native Clak'dor VII.

Dolkk Na'ts. Only picture of him in film. He plays the Dorenian Beshniquel or Fizz. Na'ts doesn't much like humans, preferring to work with droids.
Ickabel G'ont
A Bith member of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, he plays Fanfar. G'ont's favourite song for the band to perform is 'Tears of Aquanna,' Mainly because he gets a solo.