Monday 28 January 2013

Bobba Fett
Bobba Fett was not in the orginal scene but was added for the special edition. I guess to make Jabba looked heavily guarded by bounty hunters and henchman, or to link all three films together with Bobba being in all three.
This Rodian was guarding the right of the Falcon wearing the same costume as Greedo.
This Rodian as dressed the same as Greedo was guarding the left side of the Falcon. One of these bounty hunters that worked for Jabba went to look to see what happened to Greedo.
Henchman of Jabba.

Boelo. Naron Cuths predecessor as Jabba's right hand man. Sees what he wants to see. Hears what he wants to hear. Has a pet womp rat named Worra. Below |
Jabba the Hutt
 Jabba was orginally played by a big stocky man who was Irish but the scene was count from the orginal film. In the special edition they added the computer render of Jabba the Hutt and Han steps on his tail as he walks round him where before Han just walks behind the man playing Jabba.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Street person

A female Vuvrian, she owns a used speeder lot in Mos eisley called Spaceport Speeders. Wioslea is proud that she offered Luke Skywalker 2,000 credits for his land speeder so he could get off-world and 'save the galaxy' as she so often reports during her business dealings.

CZ-3 Droid

An outdated but common model of droid. The Cz, series is still used throughout the galaxy. CZ-3, a business droid owned by Jabba the Hutt, had a built in comlink and sophisticated scrambling and encryption programming.
Characters on the streets.

Saturday 5 January 2013


One of numerous vehicle computer operation droids, manufactued by industrial Automation. This unit, R4-E1, is a compain of BoShek. Rambunctious, fiercely independent.

Stormtrooper seeker droid.
These seeker droids serched out the streets of Mos Eisley searching for the two droids R2D2 and C3P0. They were not in the orginal Star Wars film.

Streets of Mos Eisley continued.
A couple of men walking the streets.
Same man different angle.


Combat communications astromech. coordinates starfighter attack vectors. Broadcasts target acquisition data to gunnery systems. Only seen in the Orginal Star Wars film. Replaced or blocked from veiw with a Ronta walking past.
Lak Sivrak
A typical Shistavamen male. Ferocious, but not aggressive. Often trained scouts at Imperial academies, but they dispise the ambitions of the New Order. This character is only seen in the orginal Star Wars film in the cantina.

Friday 4 January 2013

Stormtrooper leader. Captain Mod Terrik.

A Typical officer of the Desert Sands sandtrooper unit. Fearless and highly motivated. Willing to sacrifice as many troops as necessary.
A few more cantina humans.

This man was walking to the main entrance just as Han Solo was leaving.