Friday 31 May 2013

Darth Vader's Lightsabre

Darth Vader has a red lightsabre blade.
Ionization Blaster
Use to disrupt electrical equipment and shut down droids.
Meduim Blaster rifle
This blaster rifle has a good range. This wepon was the only weapon Chewbacca fired during Stars Wars. Chewbacca is not even seen holding his famous Bowcaster.
Greedo's Blaster
Small hand held blaster. Good only at short ranage.
Dr. Evazan Blaster
Ponda Baba Blster
Hand held blaster.
Heavy Blaster DL-44
Fires high energy bursts, good at short range targets.
Light Repeating Blaster T-21
Millitry use weapon. Can be used to fire shot after shot. Large weapon not so easy to carry.
A typical power capacity for a light repeating blaster was 300 blasts. Light repeating blasters were more powerful than typical blastes, but the high rate of fire meant that it was easy for the user to waste its blasts. A power generator could be connected to this weapon for longer use.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Ben's Lightsabre
Ben's lightsabre has a blue blade when activated.
Anakin's Lightsabre / Luke Skywalker's lightsabre
Ben kept Anakin's lightsabre all these years until one day hoping to give it to Luke, Anakin's son.
Stormtrooper Backpack
Standar issue Imperial equipment with full survival and encampment gear, storage, plus anmunition and food for an extended deployment. Makes each trooper self-sufficient.
Fuel Tanks Docking Bay 94
Supplies starships with energy necessary for sub-light and hyperspace travel.
Ommni Box
Difficult to play instrument which enhances music. Tech Mo'r plays one for Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes in Mos Eisley Cantina.
Droid Detector
To keep out the mechanicals he so detested. Wuher installled an automatic droid detector at the entrance to the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Tusken Raider blaster rifles
Tusken Raiders use used weapons found in scrape or scavenaged from old starship wrecks. They fix and replace broken parts to repair them. There weapons do not always hit there destined target and have limited ranage compared to other blaster rifles.
Gaderffii Stick
Notorious 'gaffi' weapon favored by Tusken Raiders. Built from Scavenged metal. Intmidates and evokes fear.
Tusken Breath Mask
Sand people used a special mask to reclaim exhaled moisture in the hot, harsh enviroment of Tatooine. Protects by filtering blowing sand and dispering excess heat.
Luke's utility belt
Survival gear, food and tools are stored in small compartments. Made from bantha hide. Used by Luke and other Tatooine inhabitants.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Considered to be a nuisance. Feeds on garbage waste. Its only defense is its speed. Nasty bite attack when surprised or cornered. Can grow as big as 1.2 metres long. Can see size comparsion to a humaniod in this picture.

Monday 27 May 2013

Enhances distant targets using computer-assisted zoom technology. Provides range information. Works in low light. Rugged case protects internal systems. Readouts list objects true and relative azimuth, elevation and range. Also has built in night vision.
Lars tredwell droid.
Surveys faults in vaporators, hydroponic stations and other machines use on the Lars homestead.
Lars Power droid
A blue power droid used to power systems around the Lars homestead.
Essential for life on desert planets. Condenses water vapor from atomosphere. Has purification filters and coolant tanks. Protects against drought and harsh condictions.
Hydroponics Station
Top picture in the day and below at night. Grows fruit and vegetables. Very efficient water use. Often underground. feeds moisture farm families, but excess vegaetables are often sold at markets.
Fusion Generator Supply tanks
Uses standard fusion technology. Provides starships with energy for hyperspace travel. This one is used in the Lars homestead to power the devices and machines on their moisture farm.
 Jawa caller. Hand held device that commands restraining bolt. Each caller can be keyed to a specific bolt. Used throughout the galaxy. Also called 'owners' or 'restraining bolt activators'.

Luke has a different make of the same device.
Restraining Bolt
Fits in a special socket on a droids body. When installed, restricts actions of droids, forcing them to follow orders. Can be operated remotely by 'caller'.
Garbage or waste squid from Vodran's jungles. Changes colour to match last meal. When unfed turns transparent. Eats almsot anything. Flexible eyestalk. 7 tentacles. Can be as big as 6 metres long.

Sunday 26 May 2013

R2-D2 Devices and tools used in Star Wars
Data Slot. Used to store messages or data.

Tool arm. Used to open doors or press buttons. R2-D2 used this to access the door control to the escape pod. Usually escape pods are only for human and alien passengers but R2-D2 had been given access controls given to him by princess Leia to carry out his secret mission.
Computer Link arm. Used to access computer terminals.
Fire Extinguisher. A gas bassed fire extinguisher effective against electrical fires and can be also supplemented as a smoke screen to cause confusion during battles.
Common feature on astromechs. Displays technical information and also used for sending messages.
Escape Pod
Used by ships to escape when ship is damaged or in danger.
Observation Holocam
Remote surveillance veiwers with droid controllers supplement security. Can activate alarms and automated weapons when needed, bringing help to endangered locations.
Blaster Rifle E-11
BlashTech E-11 blaster rifle. Can convert from pistol to a rifle configuration by using extendable stock. Carries 100 shots. Military-issue only. Can also be used to stun victims.

Blaster DH-17
Used by Rebels and some Death Star officers and Death Star guards. Uses power packs and high energy blaster gases. Shoots of explosive coherent light energy.
Stormtrooper Utility Belt
Standard Imperial issue for stormtroopers. Contains grapping hook, rope, com link.
Grapple hook. Luke by Luke to swing across a chasm in the Death Star.