Wednesday 24 April 2013

Death Star

The Death Star is a large space station with the abilitiy to travel through space so it can target them with its powerful planet destroying laser.
Darth Vaders advanced Tie fighter.

 Cotpit window view.
Targeting screen.
Tie fighter or TIE/ In
My 3D design of a Tie fighter. Tried to do as much detail as I could. I found it very hard to do the finner details.
The standard type Tie fighter like the models used in Star Wars. I have noticed that the copit window bars go straight up and straight down blocking the pilots view slightly. When pilots like Darth Vader were seen inside they had a slightly different veiw which I will show as a second verson model would have looked like if same as inside cotpit view.
Second window version as appeared from inside Darth Vaders ship.
Close up of cotpit with tie fighter pilot within.
Tie fihters are the primary combat starfighter for the Empire. Produced by Republic Sienar systems for the imperial navy, hence Tie/ In for imperial navy. They are single-piloted, propelled by two ion engines, and have amazing speed and versatility of acrobatic maneuvers. Launched from bases of captital ships, they are armed with two laser cannons but lack hyperspace capability.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Rebel base hanger transport
Power Droid
This power droid was seen on the Death Star.
Unknown Rebel pilots
Unknown Rebel Leader
Black 2
Vader's left wingman Tie fighter.
Black 3

Tie fighter of pilot DS-61-3. Stylized image of Corellian slice-hound on inner hatch.
Black 4
Tie fighter flown by DS-61-4 at the battle of yavin. Scored a hit on Red 5 during the confrontation.
DS-61-4 Tie pilot
Imperal pilot nicknamed 'Dark Curse'. survied assaults against several dissenter worlds including Raltiir an Mon Calamari. Intends to retire after his next mission.
Red 6
Jek Porkins X-wing at battle of Yavin. Instrumental in success attacks against the Death Star. Skipped last inspection of computer and flight control systems.
Has a R5 unit aboard his X-wing. Looks like the one from Tantooine R5D4.
Red 7
Flown by Elyhek Rue. X-wing that participated in an attack on Devastor at Raltiir.
Red 8
X-wing assigned to Bren Quersey by Wedge Antillies. Scored a hit on Black 2.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Gold 6
Led attack on an imperial outpost at Kashyyk. Disabled the outpost's shields with ion cannons. Star Wars card game says that it was flown by Hol Okand during the battle of Yavin but I personaly think Hol flew a X-wing maybe Red 11, but that is just my thoughts on it.
Gold 3
Part of Pops Y-wing squadron at the Rebel Base on Dantoonie. Led evacuation efforts from the base. Piloted by Ryle Toryn.
The Battle of Yavin. Attack on the Death Star

There were counted 30 ships at the battle of Yavin reported by an imperial officer. When the X-wings reported in when ordered by Red Leader you see some of the X-wing pilots as follows:- Red 10, Biggs Red 3, Wedge Red 2, Porkins Red 6, Luke Red 5. You also hear others report in over the com as follows :- Red 7, Red 9 and Red 11. You do not see or here the Gold Squadron report in.
Red 11
Piloted by Hol Okand. Some say piloted Gold 6 but can clearly see he is in a X-wing and not a Y-wing. You can see the shape of the cotpit and one of the X-wing exhaust intakes near the wing.
Gold 4
Piloted by Lieutenant Lepira. Point starfighter for Gold Squadron during the approach to the Death Star. Impact scars on its hull caused by small astroids.
DS-61-3 Tie pilot.
Vader's right wingman. Flies Black 3. Reputaion for ferocity in combat. Corellian pilot with excellent skills. Nicknamed 'Backstabber'.
DS-61-2 Tie fighter pilot.
Vader's left wingman. Flies Black 2. Specially trained pilot held in reseverve for missions with Vader. Nicknamed 'Mauler Mithel'.
Red 1
Lead fighter of Red Squadron at the battle of Yavin. flown by Garven Dreis 'Red Leader'. Also served at the main Rebel base on Dantooine.

This droid was on Red 1's X-wing.
Red 10
Theron Nett's X-wing. Assigned to Red leader's wingman during the second attack run on the Death Star.
You can see his X-wing has a red headed R2 droid onboard.
Gold 2

Tiree's Y-wing during the battle of Yavin. Custom high power lateral thrusters enhanced maneuverability, allowing Gold 2 to draw and evade enemy fire.
Gold 5
Flown by the veteran Darvish Krail 'Pops' during the battle of Yavin. He personally supervised all repairs and maintenace.
Gold 1
Lead fighter of Gold Squadron at the battle of Yavin Flown by Jon 'Dutch' Vander. Designated Specter 1 at Renforra Base.
Red 2
X-wing piloted by Wedge Antilles.
Has a red headed R2 unit aboard his X-wing.